sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2016

Ilustração do Capítulo 6
Chapter 6 Illustration

Calipso ficou surpresa com a maturidade das espigas, e a possibilidade de toda a colheita ser feita no início do verão, antes das tempestades de areia. Mas ainda o milho lhe confundia o espírito, já os campos de cevada lhe roubavam o coração. Apeteceu-lhe desmontar do cavalo e afogar-se naquela fartura agrícola, tal era a beleza das searas. Calipso was surprised with the stalks maturity, for the time of harvest was near, as close as the start of summer, before the coming of sandstorms. But still she dazed her spirit with corn, already her heart was taken by fields of barley. She felt the urge to dismount and drown in that sea of crops, such was the beauty of harvest.

Nesta ilustração: o Kadah de Damar.

In this illustration: the Kadah of Damar.

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